Fantasy Coach

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Fantasy Coach

The information below applies to Coach only. Visit the following articles if you are looking for information specific to:

or click to view a listing of all Fantasy help articles.

Subscriptions and Charges FAQs

Signing up to Coach will ensure you have access to the best available statistics to help you select the best possible team &/or trades.
When you register we will automatically add a FREE Coach trial to your account. This trial can be activated by you, by accessing My Account > Coach within the Fantasy web product.
Sign-up to access your free trial (or a season or monthly Coach pass) at any time by clicking on the Menu icon , selecting My Account and clicking on Coach Settings in the top navigation menu.
Have you actibvated your free trial via the My Account section on the Fantasy site?
If you’re a valid Coach subscriber and Coach stats aren’t showing, there are several ways to rectify that.
First, try logging out and logging back in.
Next, try clearing your cache. Here are some useful tips on clearing your browser cache
If Coach still does not work, make sure that you have your browser’s Private Browser/Incognito/Do Not Track settings switched off.
If you are still experiencing issues, log into your fantasy account and let us know. We will get one of our technicians to have a look for you.
There is also chance your device is not a NRL compatible device. Check to see if your devices are supported by the NRL or contact us and provide as much details as possible (e.g. team name, NRL Account email, what device is causing a problem, which version of the App you have installed, etc).
The $1 transactions are test transactions by your credit card company. These will be automatically reversed, generally within a week.

Player Performance FAQs

Coach’s Choice provides you with information on the changes in player ownership from week to week, changes from the start of the season, the most popular players and the most popular captain selections.
This category provides you with details about how every player has scored at every venue in the past, with the next three venues displayed in the Stats Centre and the player’s average at all venues displayed in the advanced player profile.

Player Values and Scores FAQs 


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