Image Licensing and Commercialisation
This forms part of the Digital Operations Processes.
This details the ownership, licensing and permissions required to use NRL images.
The NRL is the sole owner of all action images of the NRL and remains the Intellectual Property of the NRL – including headshots, team photos and numerous NRL sanctioned functions such as The Dally M’s, season launches etc.
Commercial use of images
Only the NRL is authorised to sell NRL images. No external photo agency (e.g. Getty Images, Newspix, etc.) is authorised to sell images for any commercial activity other than editorial purposes.
All images sold for commercial purposes must adhere to the “3 or more player” rule. This means that all images must contain 3 or more easily visually recognised players.
Any image sold for commercial purposes with less than 3 players must have the written permission of the player or player’s manager before it can be released.
All commercial use of NRL images must be sent to NRL Content Services for final approval.
Requests for images relating to commercial activities
All requests for images related to commercial activities (eg. Sponsor and non-sponsor advertising and promotions, including requests from Club and State League sponsors) will be subject to the NRL Rate card. Please contact the Content Services Team who will review your request.
All requests for images related to Club or State Leagues for their internal activities (e.g. Membership drives, ticket sales, general club promotional activities) can be addressed by individual clubs. All clubs have signed a 2 year Agreement with NRL Content Services allowing unlimited access to images.
NRL Imagery
All images can be viewed at
Whilst everyone is able to register an account on this website, each user will require permission to download images. The ability to download high resolution images is granted by the Content Services team and is based on the user's proposed image needs. Images must not be used commercially without the specific permission of the Content Services Team.
Request permission to download images by contacting the Content Services Team on the NRL Imagery website. The Content Services team will review your request for appropriateness.