I want to reset or change my password for my NRL Account...

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I want to reset or change my password for my NRL Account...

You can reset or change your password, by clicking on the Forgot Password link on the log in screen.
To avoid any issues with your NRL Account, we recommend that you verify your email. You can resend the verification email on the Edit Profile page once you have logged in to your NRL Account. If you are experiencing any issues, please contact us and provide as much information as possible regarding your issue.


A new screen will appear asking you to enter your email. Enter your email and click the Send Reset Link button. This will trigger an email to be sent to you, go to your inbox and open it.
Make sure you enter the email that you used to create your NRL Account and that you have entered it correctly.
If you have entered an email that is not associated to an NRL Account, you will not receive the email to reset your password.
If you can't see the email in your Inbox, remember to check your Spam (or Junk) folder.
If you are using a business email, it is possible your employer may flag our emails as Spam at the firewall (or server level) and you will not receive them (you're organisation may or may not notify you depending on their policy). If you are experiencing any issues, please contact us and provide as much information as possible regarding your issue.
Click on the link in the email. This will take you to a page that will ask you to enter the email address linked to NRL account and the password you want to use. It will ask you to enter your password twice for confirmation. You can also click on Show to display what you are typing into the password field.
Click Continue. You should be presented with a success message.


If you have signed up to an NRL Account by providing us your